In memory of Christophe
In loving memory of my mother Audrey Jean McPharlin
Pamela Kish
Thomas Beran, Forever in My Thoughts
It was in the stars. Cynthia Kleist & Denis Guenthner
In loving memory of our dear father, grandfather and best friend, Jan Smeets
In loving memory of our son Eric Benjamin Kearney 7-17
To my husband Keith on his 90th birthday
Christina Josina de Groot-Lief
In Loving Memory of my Beloved Mother Betty F Hostetler
In Loving Memory of my Aunt Pauline Hostetler
In Loving Memory of my Beloved Father James H Hostetler
In Loving Memory of my Uncle Leroy 'Pete' Hostetler
For my wife Laurie Haley, who is everything to me. All my love. -Alan.
In memory of David and Lucy Raffensparger
To Jesus. And God our father who made all these dream come true,please protect all the people of the Lalande who made it all possible.
Isa. 9:6 For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given...
V6 Forever - Noah M. Vaughn
Anatidae, Sus domesticus and the Dendrobranchiata
For my mom, Alice Sellers, my North Star. I miss you always.
Cox Family-Winter, Victor and Rylan
In Memory of Janet Tinder
The Youngman Family
To Andrea Martin, who appreciates beauty
In Loving Memory of My Beloved Mother. Maggie Tate Condra
In Memory of our Sweet Abi Floski
In Loving Memory of Sherian Denning Horinek
In memory of my loving grandmother, Janie Horn.
For my adoring father, Steven Horn.
Clarice Ellen Bartell
In loving memory of Elsie and David Johnson
In loving memory of my Father. G.T. Hall
George Gee
Hugo Richmond
Marcella Lorraine Harris
In gratitude to my heavenly Father for his faithfulness
2023 From your patron with love, Judy B Nail
In loving memory of Jacqueline Marie Louise Trafford. Loving Wife, Step Mother, Sister, Aunt, and Nana. Love Always, your family.
In loving memory of Earl Maus
I dedicate this star to the wonderful heart surgeon who saved my life, Dr Bourginon
Douglas Sjoerdsma
Greg Farr
Carol Jensen
Donna Schoeneberger
Douglas Canada
Roxanne Sjerdsma
Shari Farr
Wendy WILKINSON and the CONDIE Family
In memory of Thomas Knestout
In memory of Caroline Knestout
For my dear friend, Kathy, who recently died.
Grandparents George and Opha Wilkinson who showed us the way.
Loving Mother and Disciple, Catherine Conroy
For my sister Merry Doughan
In memory of Nadya, Marguerite, Vincent, Jacob and Mia Veillette
In Loving Memory of Willemijntje Oosterhof-Lodder
In Loving Memory of René Oosterhof
In Loving Memory of Roelof Oosterhof
In loving memory of Benny and Loretta Popowski born in 1923 in Chicago parents of Frank
In honor of my beautiful mother, Jean Shaw who was the most amazing, loving person who touched people wherever she went. How fitting to have a star in a house of worship, singing to God’s glory.
In honor of my father, Ronald Evans Shaw who died way too soon. He was a well loved, respected man who saved lives as pathologist in Bermuda. He is so missed.
To those I love Robin McCowin
In memory of Jennifer Denise Campbell
La Vonne Mountain, Florence Mitchell, Florence Cyr Mitchell, Blanche Cyrier, William Mountain,
With love, Sandra Nelson
Viktor Normann Nilsen
It’s an honor to help with the restoration. Monique Bouskos
Zarie Haverkate
In memory of my father, Robert E. Creviston, who loved Jesus Christ and all the stars in the heavens.
In loving memory of our beloved father Mariano H Gonzales
Joyeux Nöel, Lea Agol! Tu brilles comme cette étoile. Love, Eric
Twinkle twinkle little star for my mum and dad in heaven. Lynne
Franklin and Paul Sinclair
In loving memory of Darren Ryan, taken far too soon.
Given by Richard Cully who Visited Lalande Autumn 2023
Jacqueline A. Yantis
George Colin Yantis
Anna L. Forlini
Vår kjære Knut Hannestad
Jason Aaron Dubey dedicates this star to GOD, The Holy Trinity, Humanity, Creation, Coming into the Light, Personal Growth, Love, Forgiveness, and Mercy
In loving memory of my sister Inge Lange Auk
In Loving Memory Of Our Beautiful Daughter, Megan Autry.
In memory of my father and champion, James Preston Russ
Aimee Huyser
Jodie Parrish
In loving memory of our sister Nancy who loved Stephanie’s laughter.
In loving memory of Carl; the love & light of my life, Cathy
Raphael Richmond
Joseph Richmond
Phelix Richmond
In Loving Memory of My Parents, Eileen & David Nelson
In honor of my daughters, Kimberly & Julie
In memory of my parents and brothers who I lost too soon. Forever in my heart.
To Ann Clark the star of my life! Love Wayne!!
The Cleland Family
White family star
The Orlik Family
For all the animals of the world
To my beloved parents Estelle & Francis Gassert
In memory of our lovely parents Gordon and Di Griffiths, Jo and family.
Für meine geliebte Nichte Charlotte Golumbeck *04.06.2020
Michael Forstpointner loved forevermore Christina
Dearest Mother Ruth Sandt
Kimberly Weigert. Honor our lord and saviour
Aurora Joy Yantis.
for Reni and Thomas and family and friends - amis de la France
for professor Vincente and Ivo and family and friends
To my mother, Colleen in memory of the entire Crane family, Cass, Mary and Cynthia.
To my family, also to anyone alone. Know you are loved.
To our beloved father, Peter Lee Murilla Sr.
In memory of my sister Tammy, brother Tommy , my father Ed, my mother in law Shirley and Father in Law Fred with much love inour hearts forever.
All Glory to God! To my mother Sharon, Love Mary!
For my loving parents Elsie and Gary. All our love, Erin, Chris, Charlotte, and Finley
Benjamin Springer, our amazing son, the light in our lives.
Thanks from Helle, Mette & Family, Denmark.
To my “sorella” Bernadette Balcom 💝V
Für Siri ❤️ (von Christoph)
Debra mcdonald xxx
For Julienne, star of my heart.
For Alexandra and Abram Hardie and Livia Lewis my grandchildren
Beans Armas our beloved. 2016 -2024. Thank you Jesus.
In memory of Jean Caroline Gresalfi, sweetest mother, kindest heart, forever my shining star.
For my Beloved Mother and her love of History and desire to be a part of something bigger. With all our love and remembrance for Gail Millhouse Fisher.
Always Joyful Journeys P&T
In memory of Wilma McMillen
Charalambos Costa
With love for my 12 grandchildren - Laurie Mattingly
In loving memory of my beloved French grandmother Isabelle Choquet Richter who migrated to the USA as a child.
In memory of Annie-Mae Stiles
Alton P Condra III USA
Rev. Dawn Swartz
Ginger Benson
“Bubba” Burton Ephraim David Losee - Auntie Amber’s Georgie
Lambert Family Sth Australia
Todd and Jenny Lee Miller
Dawn Cherry Helton
Antonia Städele
I’m loving memory of my mother, Mary Elizabeth Case, a very devout Christian.
In memory of Geoffrey Charles Young
For My Beloved Mum June Sylvia
Tudor Lock the little star of Grandma and Grandad Todd
Amelia-Rose Lock the little star of Grandma and Grandad Todd
With Love and Light - Renee Goerger
Diana Elvira Vogel
In loving memory of John Dimmock
In loving memory of Lee C. Bishop. Missing you, your daughter Melissa Bishop-Murphy
Cheyenne Amarina Lalirra Mcdonald
In honor of the one true king Jesus Christ
Celebrando o amor de Humberto e Matheus
In loving memory of Grant Nowland
To my grandmother Juanitta Huehn
My love
In loving Memory of Thomas Mackay Buchanan
In Memory of Our Babies
K & K
Neville George
Genevieve Muriel, granddaughter of Parke and Katherine Crisler
Isaiah Samuel, grandson of Parke and Katherine Crisler
Amy, Piotr, Alexander and Thomas Kalinowski
Please protect the health and well-being of Joseph R.Biden, a man of great faith and kindness.
To All befor, Now, and after
For those before me
In Loving Memory of Nellie Mae Sides Schueler
In Loving Memory of William Schueler
In Loving Memory of William Randall Schueler
In Loving Memory of Florence Marie Hinckley Schueler
Bruce Hyde
Marsha Hyde
In loving memory of Rhonda Blacketer.
The Swan family
Dedicated to the memory of Audria Clark, Robert McDonald and John DeWilde
The children of St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital
Peace, Love, and Hope - Tracy & Kim McReynolds
William Todd Sermon
Marie Antoinette Reuss Peters
In loving memory of Mary Eva Ashenhust Landwermeyer
In loving memory of Mary Landwermeyer Williams Hadigan
In loving memory of Genevieve Landwermeyer Farrell
Cindy Stone - I may never get to visit this beautiful chapel at Lalande, but at least my star will shine brightly in my place
Dieter, Sabine, Ben Köcher
In memory of Kurt and Inge Melching
Louis John Russell
Sarah and Michael McGregor (NZ)
Kayla Werle
In Loving Memory of My Father James Michael Gordon Fetchison 11/28/1945-12/28/2020, To Myron Fetchison and Chester Wellington Langford Both Buried in France after WW1 &WW2
Dedicated to all my family, From Coral Grace.
Bibbie Crozier - my grandmother who was my best friend. Her grands called her Bibbie. She passed away in 1989 and I miss her so much!
The Rumbold family
Samantha Senner
Dunham Family: Michael, Heather, Isadora & Davina (Oregon-USA)
For Clark and Yein
For Albert and Nancy Schmitt
To Glenn Keller from Holly
Rev Canon Peter Robert Oades
For Christian Paul Perkins from Aunt Amber Morrell
Abby K.
Christine Canonigo
For my parents, Gail and Don
In memory of our sweet little angel Rachel Anne Mohatt.
In memory of our sweet little angel Allyson Marie Mohatt.
Les chiens de la Famille Pace
To my moonbeam Neil, keep shining like the star you are. All my love, Sandi xx
In Honour of My Dear Friend, Olga Fay Wheeler
In Loving Memory of Mona and Dan
For Ravn & Love
Michelle Whitedove
In loving memory of Eric & Eileen Roberts. Much loved Mother & Father and Grandma & Grandpa.
World Peace
Michael Dodson
In memory of Dorothy Latrelle Tison
Caleb Trace Corbin
Adelyn Piper Peebles
Jeremy Luke Corbin
Shane Patrick Corbin
In honor of my beloved parents Roberto y Carlota Corvo. Missing you always, Vivian and Carla
In memory of my son Kelly Linton 1967-2018
Christian Robotti
In loving memory of Thérèse Davison
Gia, Jimmy, Brandon & Michael
For my father, GH Lampley, who pointed many to Christ.
Chris & Don McKenzie
Ronald Fredrick Dodds - our dearest Father, and GrandFather. Love you forever Sandy, Errol, Jared, Blythe and Chad van Heerden xxxx
Patricia Elizabeth Dodds - our dearest Mother, and Grandmother. Love you forever Sandy, Errol, Jared, Blythe and Chad van Heerden xxxx